
Priority 2: Sustainability

We will actively incorporate sustainable practice into daily campus life; in how we teach and learn, how we manage and inhabit our physical space, how we use our scarce resources. We will ensure our future sustainability as a leading academic institution.


Sustainability will remain a fundamental focus of the organisation and we will introduce a series of positive practical measures that will support us on our journey towards achieving a net zero campus.


We will embed climate action and awareness in all our teaching and learning ensuring all programmes are rooted in sustainable practices.


We will work with staff and other stakeholders to develop curricula that ensure students have agency and are empowered to become active global citizens.


We will ensure sustainable development is embedded in our approach to governance, leadership and operations, making sustainable practices a part of everyday life.


We will act in a way that assures, protects and secures our future as an established and efficient organisation, as we implement our vision to become Ireland’s university for the Creative Industries.


We will grow our portfolio of funded projects to secure our organisational sustainability.


We will grow our student numbers and our funded research profile to ensure our financial sustainability.